Thursday, October 30, 2008


Welcome everybody!

I am sure you are wondering why have I chosen this name for the blog!

So, let’s start with the explanation of the name “On hi cap tothom”.
It was so difficult to find a name for the blog I felt that translated my motivations! My beloved husband and I have been thinking during three weeks, “what about Intercultural Train? What about the Puzzle? Or the Puzzle Project? What about Identities On the Move? What about…? ” And then one fantastic night, doing some research on Andorran linguistic policy, these words appeared to me and just made sense “On hi cap tothom”. It is Catalan and it means more or less “A place for everybody” .
What I really want to promote here is dialogue, the sharing of different ideas and experiences in the field of intercultural education. I am very interested about migration issues, complexity of identities, the roles of foreign languages learning, cross-cultural understanding, multiculturalism, Human Rights Education, national cohesion, global citizenship and you know what? it is an endless listing!
Feel free to participate, to speak in the language you prefer from these (the ones I can understand): Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French or English! I will switch from one to another freely! Do it too!
Share your ideas, your perspectives, your blogs and projects, and make me change my mind or not! :) And don't forget to sign the guest map on the bottom of the page, if you feel so!
And again:
Welcome everybody! :)


  1. Bem vinda à blogosfera Natali! :)
    Vou estar atenta a este teu espaço uma vez que o multiculturalismo também é uma área que me interessa!
    Boas escritas ;)

  2. Indeed choosing a title for the blog proved to be a difficult task. Nonetheless, the name "On hi cap tothom" was very well chosen since it truly describes the objectives of your blog: create a room for everyone to talk about multiculturalism.
    Congratulations for the whole project (name, layout and, the most important part of it, your writings)! I look forward to reading your posts!

  3. Nome bonito para um blog :D assim toda gente pode cá vir e ler na língua que mais gosta =D
